Terminal Lance #1


So I've officially been given the opportunity to submit my comic to the Hawaii Marine again. It's a small, free, local paper given to anyone who walks passed it. They wanted a comic and I was tired of seeing Gunny Wolf's Semper Toons being the only thing filling the comic section.

While I have nothing against Semper Toons, I will say that it's geared more toward the mentally motarded than to the relevant interests of modern day Marines--especially the Lance Corporals of today's Corps. So with Terminal Lance, I'm aiming to make a slightly more grown up, less motivated version that today's E-3's and below can relate to. I whipped this up today, it took the better part of the day but I think it's a good first attempt. Hopefully people find it as funny as I do... but you never know.

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About Me

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I am an 0351 Assaultman serving as a Combat Artist, I have a beautiful wife in Hawaii and a dog named Charlie--as well as a Gato named Gato.

The Combat Artist

The Combat Artist
Combat art in the process!


My name is Max.

I am a United States Marine, formerly of the infantry type. 0351 Assaultman to be exact.

Though still in my infantry battalion, I now serve as a combat artist and photographer--currently in Iraq.

I've been an artist my whole life, if I had to pick a favorite I'd say I love drawing and painting zombies the most. Something about their mindless expressions and interesting motions is very appealing to me.

Photography is something that's relatively new to me, though I do enjoy it quite a bit and I'm looking forward to practicing more.